Riverview Garden Society
Riverview Events

Members of the Riverview Garden Society are invited to our annual meeting.
April 20, 2017 at 7:00 pm
Riverview Community Centre, 90 Ashland Ave
This is your chance to provide your input, meet other gardeners, find out about upcoming events and projects, and learn about different ways to get involved!
The Riverview Graden Society AGM is the annual meeting of executive committee and society garden members, where the following are accomplished:
Review and approval of financial statement and expenses.
Discussion of executive and subcommittee activities; events, projects, and garden development.
As needed, tasks are assigned and roles are filled; by-laws, policies and procedures are amended.
Want to help? Please CONTACT US!
Join other garden society members in a general clean-up of the gardens and grounds.
May 7, 2017 at 1:00 pm
Rain date: May 14, 2017
Spring clean-up is normally held as soon as possible in the spring - either after the snow has mostly melted, or the flood waters have receded.
RGS members will come together to do a general clean-up of the grounds and start any garden maintenance, like weeding and preparing the Common Gardens for planting.
This is often the first time that many gardeners will visit their plot in the spring - a lot of weeding and other garden preparation work happens on this day.
Want to help? Please CONTACT US!
September 30, for "tilled" plots
October 31, for "no till" plots
Is my garden plot "tilled", or not?
Each garden plot is labelled either "tilled" or "no till" - this information is found in your membership renewal package.
Annually, at the end of September, RGS will arrange to have designated plots "tilled" under.
What does clearing your plot mean?
Any vegetation on your plot must be chopped into six inch (6") or less sized bits OR removed from your plot and hauled to the compost bins.
All fencing and materials should be removed from your plot and from the garden border.
Water cubes and other paraphenalia must be moved beyond the grass driveway, to ensure gardeners can still drive around.
All unwanted materials should be taken to your home for garbage/recycling collection.
After tilling all materials, including water cubes, can be placed neatly on your plot for winter storage.
Celebrate another great year of gardening with society and community members!
October 15, 2017 at 5:30 pm
Riverview Community Centre (90 Ashland Ave.)
What to bring:
Please bring a food item (main, dessert or salad) that you would like to share - don't forget the serving utensil!
Please write out all ingredients on a card to place by your food to assist people with food allergies.
Want to help? Please CONTACT US!
Please help to prepare vegetation for composting!
Check the "Garden Kiosk" for dates and times.
Each year gardeners prapare for fall tilling by removing vegetation from their plots - much of this vegetation goes into our compost bins. Shredding these materials is required for proper composting.
Please bring gloves and, if needed, a face mask.
A BIG thanks to all those who contribute their time to this effort!
Want to help? Please CONTACT US!