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Getting Involved with RGS

Opportunities for members and non-members.

Help with one of our projects:
Common Area Development and Maintenance

The Common Area gardens are a place for community members to come and enjoy and learn about the Riverview Gardens.


We successfully weeded and cultivated these garden beds in 2013, and hope to keep up the momentum.  Thank you to those who helop with the ongoing mantenance of this space.


We welcome contributions of annual and perennial flowers.  Anyone interested in helping out with this project is invited to contact us>>.

Work with one of our committees:

Anyone wanting to know how they can get involved as a member of the RGS Executive and Advisory Committee is encouraged to contact us>>.

Lend a hand:

Want to know how you can lend a hand to the Riverview Garden Society?  Contact us>>

Sustainable South Osborne Community Co-op

Find out about other sustainable activities and workshops happening in South Osborne.


Learn more>>

Contact the
Riverview Garden Society

Can't find what you're looking for?

Interested in volunteering?

Want to know more?


Contact us>>

© Riverview Garden Society. All rights reserved.

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