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The Riverview Gardens

The Riverview Gardens neighbor the Riverview Health Centre and include the area extending the riverbank West of Churchill Dr., and parts of the greenspace North-East of Baltimore Rd and Churchill Dr.


The gardens are made up of two types of spaces:

  • public areas

  • private land leased to the Riverview Garden Society by the City of Winnipeg

Member vehicles only, please.

Community Spaces and Gardens


The public property areas of the Riverview Gardens consist of:


  • The grassy and treed areas surrounding the allotment garden plots.

  • The Common Garden, centered at the base of the private drive-way entering the river-side plots.

  • The newly developed Community Orchard, a SSOCC project that spans both public and Riverview Health Centre property, West of Churchill Dr. Learn more​>>



Member Allotment Garden Plots


The RGS alottment garden plots are spread out over three large gardens.  Two of these are found next to the river, divided by the drive-way and Common Garden area, and the third garden is located North of Baltimore Rd.


RGS members are local gardeners who have paid an annual fee in exchange for the use of an allotment garden plot.  Membership fees are used to fund RGS garden maintenance and educational projects - all work is done by volunteers.


Each spring, memberships are renewed for another season, gardeners normally returning to the same garden plot.  Plots that have become available after memberships have been renewed become accessible to others.  There are a few ways to gain access to garden space.  Contact us to find out more>>

Sustainable South Osborne Community Co-op

Find out about other sustainable activities and workshops happening in South Osborne.


Learn more>>

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Riverview Garden Society

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© Riverview Garden Society. All rights reserved.

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