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RGS In the News

Sweet potatoes in Manitoba? Why not, says urban farmer

The Lance. March 17, 2015.

Things are looking pretty sweet for Tiffany Grenkow.

The 40-year-old St. Vital resident is a small-scale urban farmer currently immersed in the hobby of growing and selling sweet potato slips — among other things...

Veggies from community garden...

Winnipeg Sun. September 19, 2013.

Has Winnipeg been hit with an invasion of the garden snatchers?


Thieves stole about 30 pounds of vegetables from a Westminster United Church garden that had been started to provide food for Winnipeg Harvest...

Garden thieves hit up plots...

CBC News. Sept 17, 2013.

Thieves are plaguing yet another community garden in Winnipeg. Tammy Junghan, co-ordinator for the University of Manitoba Students Union (UMSU) community garden, said she's never seen the problem as bad as it is this year. Vanishing veggies...

Vanishing veggies raise ire of Winnipeg...

CBC News. September 16, 2013.

Someone is pilfering potatoes, lifting lettuce and taking tomatoes from the Riverview Community Garden, and gardeners are upset about it. Some have lost everything they planted.


Annie Janzen said all her heritage striped zucchinis were stolen last week. She said she had let them grow big, past the point where they are tasty to eat...

Markets provide growing appeal

Winnipeg Free Press. October 1, 2011.

Can this really be the end of the growing season?


For herbaceous perennials and annuals, yes. Fresh produce, though, is still available at some of the farmers markets that remain open through to the end of October. As you prepare to put your garden to bed, why not...

Local Colour

Rebeca Kuropatwa. Winnipeg Women.

Community gardens help to cultivate healthy and vibrant neighbourhoods


Breathing new life into an overlooked landscape, community gardens are repurposing many of our city's wasted urban spaces. Maintained by dedicated gardeners from a variety of backgrounds,...

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