Riverview Garden Society
Riverview Events

SEPTEMBER 30 (tilled) & OCTOBER 31 (no till)
Fall Plot Clean-Up Deadlines
September 30, for "tilled" plots
October 31, for "no till" plots
Is my garden plot "tilled", or not?
Each garden plot is labelled either "tilled" or "no till" - this information is found in your membership renewal package.
Annually, at the end of September, RGS will arrange to have designated plots "tilled" under.
What does clearing your plot mean?
Any vegetation on your plot must be chopped into six inch (6") or less sized bits OR removed from your plot and hauled to the compost bins.
All fencing and materials should be removed from your plot and from the garden border.
Water cubes and other paraphenalia must be moved beyond the grass driveway, to ensure gardeners can still drive around.
All unwanted materials should be taken to your home for garbage/recycling collection.
After tilling all materials, including water cubes, can be placed neatly on your plot for winter storage.