Riverview Garden Society
Welcome to the Riverview Garden Society!
Information for Visitors
The Riverview Garden Society (RGS) welcomes visitors to the Riverview Gardens! Please come often and enjoy the common areas and public spaces.
Please respect our efforts and don't enter our plots unless accompanied by a gardener.
Our garden plots are privately rented by about one hundred gardeners. We buy our own seed which we plant, water, and weed - we have earned the food that we grow. We share the food we grow with our families, friends, and with people who need it.
We are proud of these gardens and the healthy food grown here without the use of herbicides or pesticides. We hope that as you walk by, you enjoy the view and feel free to chat with the gardeners who have a wealth of experience about how to grow good food organically.
Quick Facts:
RGS has 100 members.
The annual plot rental fee is currently $50.
We haven't used pesticides or herbicides since 2010.
RGS allotment garden plots are rented space; these are considered private property.
There is more to learn, so please keep reading!
Keeping current...

About the Riverview Garden Society
The RGS has been helping people access affordable, local, and sustainable produce since the flood in 1950 - that's over 60 years!
The Garden Society is made up of a group of enthusiastic gardeners who pay an annual fee in exchange for an allotted garden space in the Riverview Gardens. We follow a set of by-laws, and have rules and regulations which govern our activities.
There is more to the Riverview Gardens than allotment plots; the garden society also maintains common areas and gardens that are on public property.
Many of the garden society members also volunteer with the Sustainable South Osborne Community Coop (SSOCC). You'll see some of their projects nearby, like the SSOCC Community Orchard. Find out more>>
All of this is done with the help of society friends and members, local organizations and community residents - Thank You!